Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baking Tot School

Tot School
Love Bug is currently 37.5 months old

This week we did a lot of baking fun!!

We used a baking fun preschool pack from Our Little Monkey's

Love Bug LOVES to help in the kitchen. She has three aprons....and two step stools. 

We worked on measuring, cutting, pouring, scooping, stirring, waiting :) and not touching things that are hot. 

Again...horrible with the picture taking this week as we worked on our own. BUT here are the tools we used. 

We used our pie topper as a fine motor tool again. The tots practiced putting Hi Ho Cherrio cherries into the pie pan. 
We played with our shape matching cupcakes
Made paper chef hats using lots of different shapes (thanks TH)
Dotted the alphabet 

All the tots cracked open an egg
We read a recipe for chocolate chip cookies
Then took turns helping make them
and stealing a few chocolate chips.....

The mixer was loud, according to Love Bug.
While the cookies were baking, the tots shaped their own pretzels out of bread dough

Then we tasted our baked goods!
Played a shape mating game

And had fun getting the ingredients from a recipe card while playing Cookin' Cookies

We love to bake, but I think we might love eating the yummy food a bit more!

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